here there are links! links to other places I lurk, links to other webfolk, buttons and thingies galore!!!
All external links will open in a new tab.
Disclaimer: I am not responsible for the content on any website other
than my own. Some websites listed may have flashing images.
Link To Me!

Cool Websites!
Where Else I Lurk!
A sort of not-tumblr. Really cool place. It has html/css crimes and EGGBUG! One thing I love is stuff that could be triggering/NSFW/externally linked (tumblr/twitter/youtube)/ect. is automatically hidden by default, you can only see it if you specifically click the post. Also no algorithms yippee! :D
- Neocities profile
Melonland ForumSuper chill forum, I spend a lot of time here and everyone is super friendly. Lots of info regarding webcrafting.
- Xanje
Virtual pet website. It's super cool and chill, there's so many creatures to collect and they need more players! Click the button below for my referral link!
- NeopetsThe classic. My life is now Neopets. Click the button for my referral link!
Other Sites & Things I Think Are Neat!
City Creator
I loved this website as a kid! I was overjoyed when I discovered it still works 20 years after it's creation!
Powder Game
Another game I used to spend hours playing when I was younger.
Hyrule Guessr
Breath of the Wild based geoguessr game. (I am scarily good at it, I don't know what that says about my combined 660 hrs in BotW and TotK lmao)
Paul McCartney Jetwashing a Monkey
Exactly what it says on the tin. Easily one of my favourite clips. CLEAN THOSE BOLLOCKS!